Beautifully dodging bullets filled with my own dreams and sanity
In sanity I find dreams as hope
Insane I'm running out of hope
I hope to change the world one day
I dream to make the people see
I hope they're not blind to dreams in my sleep
because most people don't want to see
too wrapped in middle class
to not see past
the other side of the globe like trash
or maybe their own backyard
where up the street or the interstate
theres more than just dreams and hope
Theres families and stomachs filled with necessity,
I hope I could need less to say, they're happy
I dream I could need to say less, but its a story untold
Families happier than you could ever be
Happy to see today because yesterday was a
Dark day down deep while you sleep behind the border
Sleeping with dreams deeper than draining running water
Some days Papi was gone for days looking for work and Mami was making food from Corn
These were the good days
Now Papi's in and out and the roof is leaking, roots of leaves breathing through my roof
water seeps through and feeds the roots
they grow as another drop of my dreams hits me on the forehead
I'm thirsty
Papi says we're hungry because he dreams of us moving to America
Mami says its our only hope
The way we live isn't bad, I'm just hungry and wish the bugs to go away
Sleep on a bed and maybe, just maybe get an education
The coyote that leads this venture is looking for cash
so Papi borrows Dinero he doesn't have
Hands it to a man who's face Mami said to not remember
Mami y papi said our hopes and dreams are just across a few borders and rivers
but I didn't agree to the back of that trailer
The first time Papi was able to pay a utility bill, it was for heat.
We weren't cold in the back of that trailer
I still get the chills whenever I break a sweat
his luxurious air conditioning
conditions heat stroke dreams that see beyond memories
hungry for a new tomorrow because yesterday brought today's needs
Even in need, its time to be the feed today's tomorrows.
Because if we didn't yesterday
who's gonna think about it today
and who's going to bury the bodies tomorrow?